Posts Tagged ‘bronze lion’


July 6, 2009



Starter Sheet

A standard way, step-by-step of doing a follow-up by system.


Presentation Control Sheet

Presentation is like a gate to your success in Tiens. Without Presentation your business is like having a shop but never opens for business.

Quantity of presentation is more important than the quality of the presentation. Do not wait until you have the quality to present, START NOW! This is where you keep track of your presentations monthly.

Core Person Control Sheet

To build a strong asset that can gives passive income in the future, duplication of core person in the group is very crucial. The more Core Persons in your group, the bigger your asset.


Name List

A written name list plays an important role for your success in this business. All the big businesses out there have name list, list of workers, suppliers, contractors, customers, etc. Name list is your 2nd step to build your asset in this business, the longer your name list, the larger your asset. Consult with your sponsor on “how to make name list”.


Vital Sign Introduction

Introduction of unicore vital sign for core person and core leader

download (English)